Domestic Products

(Metribuzin-70% WP)
It is selective, Pre emergence, systemic & contact Herbicide. It belongs to the triazinone group. It is excellent for both grasses & broad leaf weeds.
Time of application: Sugar Cane- Pre emergence at First, Wasp conditioner 3-5days after planting, Post Emergence 25-30 Days after Planting.
Potato: Pre-emergence 3-4 days after Planting. Post Emergence when the first potato plants have reached height of 5cms.
Tomato: Pre planting a week before a transplanting. Post Planting 15 Days after Transplanting.
Soya bean: Pre-emergence 1-2 Days after Sowing
Wheat: Post emergence 35 Days Sowing of Crops.
Crops: Sugar Cane, Potato, Tomato, Soya bean, Wheat.
Dosage/Hectare: 0.5-4gm/ltr Water depending on crop
Packing: 100gm. & 250gm.
Domestic Products

(Metribuzin-70% WP)
It is selective, Pre emergence, systemic & contact Herbicide. It belongs to the triazinone group. It is excellent for both grasses & broad leaf weeds.
Time of application: Sugar Cane- Pre emergence at First, Wasp conditioner 3-5days after planting, Post Emergence 25-30 Days after Planting.
Potato: Pre-emergence 3-4 days after Planting. Post Emergence when the first potato plants have reached height of 5cms.
Tomato: Pre planting a week before a transplanting. Post Planting 15 Days after Transplanting.
Soya bean: Pre-emergence 1-2 Days after Sowing
Wheat: Post emergence 35 Days Sowing of Crops.
Crops: Sugar Cane, Potato, Tomato, Soya bean, Wheat.
Dosage/Hectare: 0.5-4gm/ltr Water depending on crop
Packing: 100gm. & 250gm.