
Domestic Products


(Propiconazole 25% E.C.)

It is an effective broad spectrum systemic foliar fungicide. It is rapidly absorbed by the Leaves or stems and Trans located upward through the xylem. It has a long residual effect, hence gives control of diseases for a longer period.

DiseasesKarnal Bunt/Leaf Rusts, Stem Rust/Brown Rust,  Stripe Rust/Yellow Rust Wheat, Sheath Blight in Rice, Blister Blight in Tea, Early & Late Leaf spot, Rust  in Groundnut etc.

Time of application: 50days after transplantation

Crops: Wheat, Paddy, Groundnut, Tea, Soybean.

Dosage/Hectare: 2000-2500gm/500-1000Ltr Water/Hectare depending on crop.

Packing: 100ml, 250ml, 500ml & 1ltr.

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